Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh Fooey

Since my last post my mental health has been in a real crummy state. I've been rapidly losing motivation and experiencing apathy towards far too many normal parts of life - from paying bills to putting away laundry. My wife says that its because I'm not transitioning and I'm depressed. I told her that, while that is possible, that doesn't seem internally to be the issue.

Last night I spent some time alone, unwinding, and listening to music. I got plenty of sleep and I feel much better this morning. I am hoping that I am out of my funk and that I can get back to the serious work of living happily. One thing I still need to do is get into a regular exercise routine and clean up my poor diet.  Just to give you a sense of the carnage - I ate pizza, hot dogs, cookies, and two bowls of ice cream yesterday. That's no way to get super hot - especially since I didn't work out.

I'm not sure that I'm ready to turn it into over drive yet, but I'm hoping that I can refocus my mind and start to get on track, if only slowly. Maybe I will actually work out today or tomorrow, even if I still eat like a 400 pound man.


1 comment:

  1. hello kate, i am starting out my blog, i hope you can give me tips on what to write about. liking the new blog though.

    check it out sometime
